Horrid History is the Chamber’s way of reaching out to new audiences by offering the knowledge discovered through meticulous research done on manuscripts and documents that date back to the time of the Knights of St John. With the beautiful city of Zejtun as a backdrop, this 18 month project saw the collaboration of researchers, artists and the local community to build a programme that will appeal to people of all ages and experiences.
Horrid History celebrates the long turbulent history of Zejtun, showing how important knowledge, research, creativity and the arts are to understanding and appreciating our cultural heritage.
Special thanks to Dr Anna Borg Cardona and Dr Joan Abela for their insights and sharing their extensive knowledge.
The programme
- Assolutament Assedjati by Jeremy Grech: On a dark, misty night in Zejtun, one can still hear the echoes of the siege of 1614. The Gentleman Pyrate tells a story of a young woman’s visions and the panic the locals experienced during the siege. As the battle rages close by, the locals try their utmost to identify the traitor within their ranks!
- Swali Imsaħħra by Malcolm Galea: Don Mesquita tilef rasu. Aktar minn hekk, tilef iċ-ċurkett li kien ħa jagħti lil maħbuba tiegħu Isabella. Issa ħa jkollu bżonn l-għajnuna tagħkom biex forsi xi darba jsib il-mistrieħ ta’ dejjem. Don Mesquita lost his head and more importantly, the ring he was going to give to his beloved Isabella. He now needs your help if he’s ever going to find eternal peace…
- Nibnu Ħrafa Sean Briffa: X’jiġri meta tinqabad barra mill-villaġġ wara li niżlet ix-xemx, u qed tipprova ssib triqtek lura lejn id-dar minn ġot-toroq taż-Żejtun fis-seklu sbatax? Għadam, in-narratur skeletru, jiddiskrivi dawn it-toroq bħala infestati bil-kreaturi mill-ħrejjef u s-superstizzjonijiet Maltin. Billi niltaqgħu ma’ dawn il-mostri, niġu wiċċ imb’wiċċ mal-biżgħat, mal-kurjożita’ u max-xenqiet li kellhom l-antenati tagħna, u fl-aħħar mill-aħħar, forsi nitgħallmu xi ħaġa fuqna nfusna.
Sean Briffa: Għadam the Skeleton Narrator
Jeremy Grech: Xifajk, Babaw, Cyclops
Marjann Attard: Sirena, Saħħara, Datata
Albert Garzia: musician
4. Potion in Motion In this workshop, participants will embark on a magical journey through movement, drama and dance set in the times of the Knights of Malta. Participants can choose traditional folk costumes to dive deeper into the spirit of the times. They will discover the mystical world of Periwinkle, a flower known for its enchanting qualities. They will explore the communal Branle Dance, a traditional folk dance that used to bring people together in joyful celebration.
The project is co funded by the Arts Council Malta and supported by the Zejtun Local Council.