The Chamber as a leading partner of the Science in the City (SitC) Festival, continuously seeks to engage new audiences through innovative, science-inspired activities. In this way, it continues to build bridges between science, research, the arts and the community.
This 18 month project includes the development of four theatrical performances which focus on local cultural heritage. The latest scientific discoveries inspire scripts, costumes, workshops with the community, venue and so on.
The activities in the programme include: Ancient Performance in the Underworld: The Theatre of Ħal Saflieni, led by Dawn Adrienne Saliba; Moving Megaliths, led by Jeremy Grech; Kids Dig Science led by Sean Briffa; It Happened Here, led by Malcolm Galea and Philip Leone-Ganado.
Sowing Seeds, the title and theme of the programme, emphasises how important knowledge, research and the arts are in everyday life and in active, responsible citizenship, especially in a world which is undergoing monumental changes. We have tried to focus the programme on Malta’s heritage both the natural and the cultural.
By doing so we hope to instil a sense of pride and a desire to actively pursue the preservation of both. COVID-19 has shown us just how important it is to have a society that can take informed decisions. This transcends the pandemic as the planet continues to face the dire consequences of our own action. The art pieces in this programme all encourage active participation and the involvement of the audience, to nurture critical thinking and problem solving skills for this reason.
Funded by Arts Council Malta’s Programme Support Fund.