While birds have been flying for a gazillion years, it’s something relatively new to us humans and we rely on some important scientific principles to achieve it.
Kids Dig Science is coordinated by the Science in the City team at the Malta Chamber of Scientists. This season, the team will once again meet with the scientists to find out the latest in all things science, then cut it down to size for children above the age of 6. It was conceived to inspire curious little minds, to ignite their passions and foster creativity. If you’re looking for a way to inspire your children, Kids Dig Science is a must.
From thrust, lift, drag and weight to breaking the speed of sound, we’ve come an awful long way since Orville and Wilbur took their first quirky leap into the skies. Join us and our puppets in a flight of fancy, as we venture into the dynamic world of physics.
Karen Fiorini (manager), Edward Duca (manager), Sean Briffa and Jeremy Ggrech (actors).